Language Identifiers in the Markup Context HTML
.Oleh: roy
See "Language Tagging in HTML and XML." By Martin J. Dürst, W3C i18n Coordinator. Updated 2001/08/30 or later. "Language codes as defined in RFC 3066 can be (and should be) used to indicate the language of text in HTML and XML documents. For HTML 4, language codes are specified with the lang attribute. For XML, language codes are given in the xml:lang attribute. In both cases, language information is inherited along the document hierarchy,i.e., it has to be given only once if the whole document is in one language, and language information nests, i.e., inner attributes overwrite outer attributes... Language codes starting with i- are defined in the IANA registry of language codes. Language codes starting with x- denote experimental codes without guarantee for uniqueness... Many other W3C and Web-related specifications use ... dst.
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